Herbs recommended for facial blushers:
- Ginger Tea
- Green Tea
- Kava Kava
- St. John's Wort
- Sage Valerian
Ginger Tea
Hot Ginger Tea is an excellent winter drink.
You can use it to strengthen digestion, improve circulation, or ward off colds, sore throat and the flu. If someone told you that NASA astronauts took ginger into space to combat travel sickness, you might tell them to pull the other one. In fact, it's 100 % true, the knobby brown rhizome is a champion at treating nausea of all kinds - even hangovers. Ginger tea may also help with facial flushing/and facial blushing, but because the warming nature of ginger it may also cause Facial Blushing/Facial Flushing. This is individual so you have to try it before you know.
How to Make Ginger Tea
It's very easy to make ginger tea. Here are the instructions:
Hot Ginger Tea
4 cups of water
5 cm piece of fresh ginger root
Optional: honey and lemon
1.) Peel the ginger root and slice it into thin slices.
2.) Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan. Once it is boiling, add the ginger.
3.) Cover it and reduce to a simmer for 15-20 minutes.
4.) Strain the tea.
5.) Add honey and lemon to taste.
(Note: Keep in mind that if you are making this tea to strengthen the immune system and ward off colds and flu, sweeteners are not recommended.)
Green Tea
Green tea has been brewed for centuries throughout Asia where it's revered as a health-promoting tonic. Modern science has discovered the amazing antioxidant power in green tea leaves. A terrific free-radical fighter for whole body protection.
St. John's Wort
The gentle properties of the herb Hypericum perforatum L. - commonly known as St John's Wort - have been known for centuries, but it is only recently that scientists have published papers showing how extracts made from the plant's leaves and cheerful yellow flowers make St John's Wort the herb to feel good about. In fact, the herb St John's Wort and its special standardized extract LI-160 has become the treatment of choice for depressive disorders in many European countries.
Recent studies have shown that standardized extracts of St John's Wort are as effective as traditionally prescribed anti-depressants without the associated side effects, and can relieve the symptoms of mild to moderate depression in a wide range of conditions including: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), pre-menstrual syndrome, Tired All The Time (TATT) and the menopause. A standardized tablet is one that contains exactly the same amount of active ingredients as the next.
In order to obtain optimum benefits, the recommended daily dosage for St John's Wort is between 300 and 900mg of a standardized extract, containing 0.3% hypericin.
Kava Kava
Kava Kava (Piper methysticum L) is a member of the black pepper plant family originating from the South Sea Islands. In recent studies, standardized extracts of Kava Kava have proved to be effective in relieving feelings of anxiety and stress and can even help those who suffer from insomnia. First discovered in the 18th Century, the roots of the Kava plant have been ground up and mixed with water, to make a relaxing, welcoming social drink for Islanders for hundreds of years. Recent research carried out in Germany suggests that standardized Kava Kava extract can help promote a sense of calm and tranquility, whilst keeping a clear mind.
Fast-acting and side-effect free, Kira Ltd's Kava Kava contains the unique standardized LI 150 extract proven in research and has the highest concentration available on the market. Take one tablet for fast-acting relief within 20 minutes or take as a daily supplement to help maintain a balanced emotional outlook. Pregnant or breast-feeding women should not take Kava Kava.
The best herb for excessive sweating is sage tea. The name sage comes from the Latin salvere or salvation meaning 'to be in good health, to cure, to save.' Sage was a sacred ceremonial herb of the Romans. It was associated with immortality and was thought to increase mental capacity in ancient times, as referenced in the proverb, "How can a man grow old who has sage in his garden." Sage is found on many continents. The Chinese valued it for use in teas, and the American Indians used it for medicinal purposes. Avoid cinnamon, ephedra, green tea, Japanese mint juniper berries, kudzu, lobelia, mate, red cedar, sassafras and yohimbe. Coffee, tea and other stimulants will exacerbate the problem, so make sure to cut back on those.
At some point in our lives many people will experience trouble falling or staying asleep. Riverside herb Valerian has been used in natural sleep remedies for hundreds of years and is clinically proven to help relieve restlessness and promote natural sleep - with no side effects. A recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, published in the journal Pharmopsychiatry (2000:33:47-53), found Lichtwer Pharma's Valerian extract to have a positive effect on the sleep structure and sleep perception of people complaining of insomnia. Each Lichtwer Pharma Herbal Valerian tablet is standardised to contain 300mg of the research-proven Valerian extract LI 156- the equivalent of up to 1800mg of the fresh herb. This means refreshing natural sleep with none of the morning-after effects associated with conventional sleeping drugs. It’s recommended that 1-2 tablets should be taken before bedtime.